Friday, November 2, 2007

Spinnin' (5 minute think up)

They aknowledge my skin color
Before they read my work.
Just because I'm white
Creating music is a sin?
If I wrote poetry
Would I still be mocked?
These questions spin through my head
like the hands on the clock.


Joker Rose said...

hott ----.. seriouse notes short and sweet you should write freestyles down and post them ill be shure to comment on them but all in all for a short peice its good

Zeus. said...

I liked how you rhymed "mocked" and "clock." It was interesting and different.

I also liked the first two lines of the piece. Great way to start it.

For a 5 minute think up, it was inspiring.

DOUG said...

I like how you broke up the lines, and put one to the right, it emphasized the importance of a very important line

ldanks said...

i loooveee all of your poems,
the way u write them and how your rhyme words =]

sunnyskys987 said...

i liked this whole thing. i think the shortness and the way you get right to the point works good. the idea of it is good too. nice work :)

DOUG said...

I like your message here, and the way you talked about poetry being mocked.