Friday, November 16, 2007

Are you to hard to be real?

You don't have to forget to believe
because your doubt makes it seem unreal.
My fist confide all secrets
with the stories that can only be told through
Teach what is known learn what is not.
I control my life because i only have one.

Fade...[a hospital room]

The grueling anarchy of illness.
leaves you lying vulnerable.
The perfect eclipse of the doctor's head
under the floating revolution of the light.
With a gesture, an effort is made to push your eyelids apart
but you spiral under the faithful amnesia.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Spinnin' (5 minute think up)

They aknowledge my skin color
Before they read my work.
Just because I'm white
Creating music is a sin?
If I wrote poetry
Would I still be mocked?
These questions spin through my head
like the hands on the clock.