Friday, November 16, 2007

Fade...[a hospital room]

The grueling anarchy of illness.
leaves you lying vulnerable.
The perfect eclipse of the doctor's head
under the floating revolution of the light.
With a gesture, an effort is made to push your eyelids apart
but you spiral under the faithful amnesia.


Zeus. said...

i really love the images you have created in this piece. such great word choice. *thumbs up*

Horiz0ns said...

i like the comparison between a doctor's head as an eclipse and also the way you carry that sorta spacelike theme by describing light as a revolution. Great word choice in those two cuz i can also see space as being a bit disconnected an unknown, the same way which what happens during the time you are numbed by amnesia you dont know whats going on.

Also describing amnesia as faithful is a great word choice as it is faithful to you in helping you sleep through the pain as well as faithful to the doctor by keeping you asleep.

This is a great poem with so much stuff in so little words.
-nice job